Monday 21 January 2019

Frozen Shoulder: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Have you got trouble moving your shoulders? Do you feel extreme pain and stiffness on the shoulder joints while moving your arms? If yes, then you have probably turned the victim of a condition called ‘Frozen Shoulder‘.
Also known as ‘Adhesive Capsulitis‘ in medical terms, it is a condition which reduces the mobility of the shoulder due to pain and stiffness that gradually increases over time and usually resolves on its own. The complete recovery may although take 2 to 3 years. According to a study by Tore A Prestgaard, MD, the lifetime prevalence of frozen shoulder is estimated to be 2 to 5 percent of the general population.
Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder
When you have a frozen shoulder, arm pain and stiffness in the shoulder may make it difficult to perform simple activities like combing your hair, putting away dishes, putting on a belt etc.
The three stages of frozen shoulder and its unique symptoms are as follows:
Freezing: This is the most painful stage where the pain increases over time limiting the mobility of the shoulders. Pain worsens at night and this phase can last from 3 to 9 months
Frozen: At this stage, pain may decrease but the stiffness remains. The movement is still restricted and this stage can commonly last from 9 to 15 months.
Thawing: During this final phase, the pain starts to fade and the range of movement returns gradually. This stage lasts from 15 to 24 months.

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