Saturday 29 December 2018

Gentle Arthritis Exercises For Knee Pain

Generally, when pain strikes, we hit the bed and skip doing anything. Well, in case of arthritis pain, its something one must avoid and instead should get moving.
Arthritis and pain go hand in hand. Once diagnosed, there is hardly any respite. With approximately 277 million people living with Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) worldwide, it is today the most common form of arthritis where the cartilage, a cushion-like flexible connective tissue that absorbs pressure and stress in the knee joint, slowly wears away resulting in the rubbing of bones against each other and causing pain, stiffness, swelling, decreased ability to move and, sometimes, the formation of bone spurs too.
Osteoarthritis sees no age. It can occur to anyone anytime due to heavyweight, heredity, repetitive knee injuries, illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis, certain metabolic disorders etc. Though various osteoarthritis treatment options are available, taking a natural approach to pain relief is in trend nowadays and exercising is one such important measure which is vital for body strength and flexibility.
When down with knee pain, exercising would be the last thing on the list to consider. But sparing fifteen minutes a day might make a considerable difference to the pain and fatigue associated with it. Let’s have a look at some of the best and gentle knee pain relief exercises that will not only relieve pain but also strengthen the hamstrings, quadriceps and glutes muscles attached to knee joints.

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