Monday 25 June 2018

10 Ways Your Desk Job Is Destroying Your Body & Here’s How You Can Fix Them!

10 Ways Your Desk Job Is Destroying Your Body & Here’s How You Can Fix Them!


Engrossed in computers, glued to the chairs, our desk job is sucking the life out of us every day. We all are in a wrong notion that a 9-hour shift means we have to sit all day long. No, not at all. There’s so much you can do to come out of this slow poisoning situation before it kills you. Let’s see how your desk job is creating a wreak havoc on your body. 
Following are the 10 health risks of a desk job and tips to deal with it 
1. Lifespan cut-offs
Long sitting hours and lack of physical inactivity not only triggers aches and pains all over the body, heart diseases, cancer etc., but can even cause death. 
Health Tip:
Don’t be a stone, change positions every 8 mins. Move for about 2 min at least twice an hour. Exercise before/after work. 
2. Poor Postures  
Slouching in your chair or hunching over a desk, you are inviting trouble for your spine resulting into chronic back pain to even spinal disc issues. 
Health Tip:
Always sit with your back straight and feet flat on the ground. Keep your arms bent at a 90° angle and don’t lean forward. Stretch to release the tension.
3. Weight Gain
With prolonged sitting comes the habit of snacking. According to the desk job health statistics, we burn 30% fewer calories while sitting than standing. And our desk is always full of high-calorie snacks which we keep on munching without really being hungry.
Health Tip:
Get a standing desk, take breaks, walk around, use stairs. Avoid junks and have fruits, or a healthy snack bar to satisfy your craving. 
4. Mental Exhaustion
Desk job fatigue is mental tiredness. After working long hours anyone would want to go home and rest. But, if the couch, T.V and snack is on your mind, then you need to stop. 
Health Tip:
Since you may feel tired, try some light activities like going out for a walk with your family or friends, it will clear your mind. 
5. Eye Fatigue
From office computer/laptop to smartphones, bright screens are what we stare all day, hence eye strain is bound to happen. Headaches, blurred vision, temporary burning, itching etc. are the other effects.
Health Tip: 
Adjust the brightness of your screen. Constant staring can dry out your eyes, so try to blink as much as possible. Improve the lighting in your room and keep at least one arm length distance from your computer.
6. Invitation To Diseases
Sitting among the heat emitting electronic appliances, can cause chest pain, irritation, lung disease and other ailments. 
Health Tip:
During lunch break, go out and get some fresh air. Take deep breaths. If there is a garden then go spend some time with nature. 
7. Work Stress
Deadlines can make anyone sick. The pressure, anxiety, fear, of not finishing a task can not only affect your health physically but can cause extreme damage mentally. 
Health Tip:
Not all work has to be done the very day. Set priorities and work accordingly. Stay calm.
8. Victims – Neck & Shoulder
Neck and shoulder pain from the desk job is the most common complaint we hear from each one using the computer. 
Health Tip:
The only solution for neck and shoulder pain is to watch your posture. Or else, better carry a handy electrotherapy device at work so that whenever the pain arises, you can get instant relief using it. 
9. Germs Everywhere
Keyboards have up to five times as many bacteria as a bathroom. And, it’s not just the keyboards but, door and faucet knobs, handles, elevator and printer buttons, handshakes as well. 
Health Tip:
Keep a sanitizer with you, wash your hands before eating and use tissues. Make sure there is proper cleaning in your office every day. 
10. Stiffness
Ever heard the phrase “Use it or lose it?” Because long sitting can deactivate our gluteal muscles, cause osteoarthritis and joint stiffness, tightens hips, hamstrings & quads.
Health Tip: 
If you are not in a position to get up and move then at least stretch your legs sitting in your chair. Plus, you can use any electrotherapy device to release the stress and promote blood flow and energy levels as it the best and the safest method to get instant and permanent relief. 


In spite of spending an entire day in a well air-conditioned room, clean surroundings, comfortable chair, how do you feel by the end of your 9 to 5 job? Lethargic? Bored? Ever wondered why? The culprit is none other than your desk job. 
Engrossed in computers, glued to the chairs, our desk job is sucking the life out of us every day. We all are in a wrong notion that a 9-hour shift means we have to sit all day long. No, not at all. There’s so much you can do to come out of this slow poisoning situation before it kills you. Let’s see how your desk job is creating a wreak havoc on your body. 
Following are the 10 health risks of a desk job and tips to deal with it 
1. Lifespan cut-offs
Long sitting hours and lack of physical inactivity not only triggers aches and pains all over the body, heart diseases, cancer etc., but can even cause death. 
Health Tip:
Don’t be a stone, change positions every 8 mins. Move for about 2 min at least twice an hour. Exercise before/after work. 
2. Poor Postures  
Slouching in your chair or hunching over a desk, you are inviting trouble for your spine resulting into chronic back pain to even spinal disc issues. 
Health Tip:
Always sit with your back straight and feet flat on the ground. Keep your arms bent at a 90° angle and don’t lean forward. Stretch to release the tension.
3. Weight Gain
With prolonged sitting comes the habit of snacking. According to the desk job health statistics, we burn 30% fewer calories while sitting than standing. And our desk is always full of high-calorie snacks which we keep on munching without really being hungry.
Health Tip:
Get a standing desk, take breaks, walk around, use stairs. Avoid junks and have fruits, or a healthy snack bar to satisfy your craving. 
4. Mental Exhaustion
Desk job fatigue is mental tiredness. After working long hours anyone would want to go home and rest. But, if the couch, T.V and snack is on your mind, then you need to stop. 
Health Tip:
Since you may feel tired, try some light activities like going out for a walk with your family or friends, it will clear your mind. 
5. Eye Fatigue
From office computer/laptop to smartphones, bright screens are what we stare all day, hence eye strain is bound to happen. Headaches, blurred vision, temporary burning, itching etc. are the other effects.
Health Tip: 
Adjust the brightness of your screen. Constant staring can dry out your eyes, so try to blink as much as possible. Improve the lighting in your room and keep at least one arm length distance from your computer.
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