Saturday 31 March 2018

What Happens When you Crack your Joints!

What Happens When you Crack your Joints!

We all would have cracked joints for uncountable times by far. We do not consider it worth keeping a note of, as for us, it is a non-harmful activity. It is definitely not harmful if the popping is not accompanied by severe pain. At times when a joint is cracked, negative pressure is applied to the specific joint that pulls nitrogen gas temporarily into the joints.

Knuckles, knees, ankles, back and neck are the muscles that can or can be cracked. When you stretch the joint capsule, you crack a joint, which means gasses contained in the muscles are released rapidly, causing bubbles and bursting of bubbles results in the sound of a pop. You would have noticed that once you have cracked your knuckles you have to wait for a while for it to be cracked again. This is because, once the bubbles burst, the fluid need some time to create new bubbles.

When a person having a healthy body cracks his joints intentionally; his tendons snap over the bones. Tendons basically connect our muscles with our bones are quite elastic in nature. So when you pull your joint for a refreshing crack, the tendons get a pull and make a pop like sound, just like an elastic band’ sound. A healthy joint crack involves getting of the tendon back to its normal position after the pull. This indeed happens all the time. Be it a minor crack or a major one, there would be variations in terms of the elasticity of the pull and intensity of the popping sound but it can’t cause any serious disease to the muscles or bones.
Another condition of popping the joint includes snapping of tendons over tissues. Our gliding paths at times need minor adjustment because of the change in muscle mass and action. So tendons make slight movements and snap over tissues which might give a quick and pain-free pop, which is completely fine and safe.

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